Katano Sakekasu de Pasta (Cafe di agio)

Katano Sakekasu de Pasta is the original pasta using Japanese Sake lees in an Italian restaurant – Cade di agio.

When making Japanese Sake, Sake rice fermented by Koji molt are squeezed and divided into liquid and Sake lees. The liquid is bottled as Japanese Sake. The leftover of squeezed Sake rice is used as Sake lees for various purposes. For instance, it is used not only as an ingradient for cooking but also as a face lotion and a hand cream.

Sake lees include rich nutritions such as carbohydrate, protein, dietary fiber, vitamin, and mineral. Therefore, the immunologic effectiveness of Sake lees hooks not only scholars but also many people.

Mr. Harada who is the owner chef of Cafe di agio says that “I use Sake lees made in Yamano Shuzo and Daimon Shuzo”. They are making high quality Sakes for more than 100 years in Katano. Their sophisticated Sake-making technics are Katano’s pride. Mr. Harada made a new menu in order to collaborate them with an Italian cuisine. It is Katano Sakekasu de Pasta.

Cafe di agio

19-6 Hoshida Kita 5 Chome Fuwafuwa Land Building 2F

Phone: 072-896-5317

Opening hours: 11:00a.m. ~ 22:00p.m.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tugu2016/?fref=ts