Tatsumi Sushi is located near Keihan Kawachimori Station. It is a five-minute walk from the station. The Tatsumi Sushi’s owner – Mr. Tatsunobu Asayama started the Sushi bar about forty years ago. Since then, Tatsumi Sushi always serves Sushi with heartfelt hospitality.
When you open the door, an owner’s vigorous voice welcomes you with his son – Mr. Shota Asayama. In the small refrigerator on the counter table, fresh sea foods are always stored. When ordering Sushi, you will see their sophisticated Shushi-making skills. It expresses a kind of Sushi art on a plate. They carefully focus on colour and layout on the plate in order to delight people’s appetite and eyes.
Tatsumi’s side dishes are also marvellous. In lunch time, for example, some side dishes are served before main Sushi comes. One day is a grilled fish. Another day is a fish salad. Tatsumi serves different side dishes each time. This is one of his hospitalities for the customers.

Mr. Tatsunobu Asayama says that they always make any effort to serve high-quality Sushi in reasonable price. You can satisfy Japanese Sushi using seasonal ingredients.
Tatsumi Sushi
51-4 Mori Minami 1 Chome Katano City
Opening hours
11:00 a.m. ~ 2:00 p.m. (Lunch)
5:00 p.m. ~ 10:00 p.m. (Dinner)